Mechanism of action of pulse laser and auxiliary gas on laser deep penetration welding 激光脉动与辅助气体对激光深熔焊的作用机理研究
Simulation of the keyhole formation during deep penetration welding using an adaptive heat source model 用自适应热源模型模拟深熔焊小孔的形成过程
According to laser deep penetration welding existing the characteristics of keyhole, create a micron-size precise calculation model that coincidence with the keyhole profile. 根据激光深熔焊存在小孔现象的特点,利用符合小孔形貌特点的高斯旋转曲面体热源进行加载,得到了随激光工艺参数改变而变化的小孔形貌。
Laser welding volume energy and its influence on weld penetration in laser deep penetration welding; 此外,对激光脉冲宽度及脉冲频率对焊缝宽度的影响作了深入研究。
The research status and development of heat source model on laser deep penetration welding were summarized and three kinds of resolution model about heat source were introduced. 从理论和实验两方面研究了各种物理和工艺参数对激光深熔焊焊缝表面形状的影响,并对改善表面质量的激光焊接工艺提出了建议。
Rotary-Gauss body heat source model can show appropriately the character of electron beam deep penetration welding, but only smooth "parabola" shape weld can be obtained. 前言:旋转高斯曲面体热源模型,能较好的反映电子束焊接深熔焊的特点,但只能得到圆滑的“抛物”形焊缝。
The heat transfer in laser deep penetration welding includes heat conduction and convection in the welding pool. 激光深熔焊接的传热过程包括热传导和焊接熔池内熔融材料的对流流动。
Research status and development of heat source model on laser deep penetration welding 激光深熔焊接热源模型的研究进展
Keyhole effects are the essential characteristic in laser deep penetration welding. 激光深熔焊接的本质特征就是存在着小孔效应。
Properties of the Element Distribution& Melting Metal Flow in the Electron Beam Deep Penetration Welding Process 电子束深穿透焊接熔质成分分布与熔池流动特征
Conduction model for laser deep penetration welding 激光深熔焊传热模型的研究
Effect of side gas on laser induced plasma during laser deep penetration welding 侧吹辅助气流对激光深熔焊接光致等离子体的影响
The key points are the influences of M2 parameter to the beam behavior and Kf parameter to welding quality in laser deep penetration welding. 其中重点讨论了M2参数对焊接中光束行为的影响以及光束聚焦特征参数对深熔焊接工艺参数和焊缝质量的影响。
Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Molten Pool During Laser Deep Penetration Welding 激光深熔焊熔池动力学特性研究
The Review on the Keyhole Dynamics of the Electron Beam Deep Penetration Welding Process 电子束深穿透焊接过程匙孔动力学研究进展
Study of Laser-Induced Plasma Behavior and Control During Laser Deep Penetration Welding of Powder Materials 粉末冶金材料激光深熔焊接光致等离子体行为及控制
Above all, the energy absorption and transfer mechanism, keyhole and laser-induced plasma are the key factors which affect the deep penetration welding process and quality. 而能量吸收和传输机制、以及小孔和光致等离子体的产生,是影响深熔小孔焊接过程及质量的关键。
Weld penetration monitoring in nd: YAG laser deep penetration welding based on coaxial visual sensing technology 基于同轴视觉监测的激光深熔焊缝熔深监测
In the paper, the composition and equipment for on-site repair of damaged tubes by circular Nd ∶ YAG laser deep penetration welding of inner sleeves are introduced. 介绍了可用于受损管件现场修复的内衬管环形Nd∶YAG激光深熔焊结构及装置。
This paper put forward a mathematic model of point-line combined heat conduction, shows the computer solving procedure and plotting to describe the laser deep penetration welding profile and HAZ isotherms. 本文提出了一种点-线组合热源传热数学模型及其计算机求解和作图方法,以描述激光深熔焊条件下的焊缝截面形状及HAZ温度场。
Calculation and detection of thermal cycle of laser deep penetration welding 激光深熔焊接热循环的研究
The study on laser deep penetration welding experiment. 激光深熔焊接工艺实验研究;
Laser Deep Penetration Welding Research of Ferrite-Matrix Materials 铁基材料的激光深熔焊接研究
Two Closed-loop Control of Focus Position Using Plasma Photo and plasma Charge Signals in Laser Deep Penetration Welding 利用等离子体光、电信号对激光深熔焊焦点位置的双闭环控制
When laser power density attains 106 W/ cm2, the effect of deep penetration welding will be acquired satisfactorily; 当功率密度达到10~6W/cm~2时,可以获得满意的深熔焊接效果;
Analysis of heat source model used in temperature field simulation for laser beam deep penetration welding 激光深熔温度场数值模拟热源模型分析
By adopting model of laser deep penetration welding optimum growth zone of crystal grain in HAZ is forecasted, mathematical model of primary austenite crystal is established, and its computing result matches well with actual result. 利用激光深熔焊接模型预测了热影响区晶粒长大最快的区域,建立了热影响区原奥氏体晶粒长大的数学模型,该模型的计算结果与实测结果吻合。
The emergence of high-power lasers opened up a new field of laser welding and promoted the development of deep penetration welding based on the keyhole effect. 大功率激光器的出现,开辟了激光焊接新领域,推动了以匙孔效应为理论基础的深熔焊接的发展。
When laser power is lower, laser welding is belong to thermal conduction welding model; with the increasing of laser power, the surface happen to appear evaporation, then it transforms from thermal conduction welding model into deep penetration welding model. 当功率较低时,激光焊接属于热传导焊接模式;随着激光功率的提高,当工件表面刚好出现汽化时,则处于热传导焊接向深熔焊接过渡的临界状态。